So excited now that NaNoWriMo has started. I was able to get off to a good start today, though I am intimidated by some of your Day 1 totals! I felt like I was writing out of order a bit. I decided to write three of my scenes that really don't come in sequence, but I wanted to see where each led. I now have some good ideas for tomorrows writing. I hope you all had a good day too, here's my stats for Day 1. I know the progress bar to the right doesn't match, but I did a quick second writing session in the afternoon. Now the site where I get the progress meter is down and I can't update it. I may have to look at something else to track it here.
Edit: Well the site where I get my progress trackers is back up. If anyone needs one you can find them at Language is a Virus.
Edit: Well the site where I get my progress trackers is back up. If anyone needs one you can find them at Language is a Virus.
- Today's word count: 2484
- Current Word Count: 2484
- Words to Go: 47516
- Cups of Coffee: 1
- Hours Spent Writing Today: 2
- Number of Breaks Taken: 1
- Number of Characters Killed: 1( minor character whose job was always to die, lol)
- Number of Times Writers’ Block Occurred: 0
- Number of Times I Almost Gave Up: 0 (It's Day 1 - no giving up yet)
Very happy with today's progress. How did everyone else do?
I'm 500 words in, so just over 1k to go. Not bad considering I also sketched and submitted a short story proposal.
Been a pretty great day. Congrats to you!!
Nice. I would like to fit in some time for shorter work this month, but we'll have to see how NaNoWriMo goes. That's my priority this month.
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