great experience, but it burned me out a bit. I am looking forward to editing what I wrote and finishing the story. I am excited now to be back writing. I am setting my writing goals for 2012 and would be interested if anyone already has theirs? Have you posted your 2012 goals anywhere? I would love to read what others have planned for this year.
I love making writing goals every year! For 2012, it's short and sweet (but not lacking in the dedication to work):
Revise 2 novels
Write 2 novels.
In that order. What are your goals?
Ideally I'd like to read two books a month. Submit one new short story a month. As far as general writing I am thinking 1000 words a day (novel work). Still mulling it over, making sure I'm not biting off more than I can chew. This of course is on top of a full time job, wife and two teenage girls. Lol
I am jsut starting to learn about all that is related to having a writing career. I have a number of goals for 2012, but those specifically related to writing include: Submit 5 article queries by summer, Read (and blog reviews of) at least 20 books, and Write a brief simple/organic church orientation booklet. I have to accomplish these goals in "spare time" outside of my job, family time, etc.
I set my writing goals for 2012 about 10 days into the last NaNoWriMo when I had to abandon my project. Due to lack of research and the absence of a detailed outline, my characters ended up flat and the story forced before it came to a complete stop. So, I decided to spend January outlining a new novel idea and then have my own personal novel writing month in February. I'm going to call it MyNoWriMo. That should really get the ball rolling. My goal is to have a first draft of the novel finished by the time kids get out of school. Then I can spend the second half of the year editing and trying to find an agent.
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